Español Inglés Francés



Major Objectives

Foster and strengthen the private education and training in all EU countries.

Defend the interests of private schools Europeans and strengthening their competitiveness.

Developing a key role in the implementation of the objectives of the Bologna Declaration, working to promote the development of educational policies coordinated among its member states, with the aim of consolidating the establishment in 2010 of the European Higher Education Space (EEES).

Promote in Europe the development of policies to modernize the education systems, encourage training to along the entire life, as well as develop of research and technologies aimed at achieving a European economy increasingly competitive based on knowledge.

Strengthen CADEICE as a lobby of influence in the European Union, so that private education be taken into account by the policy and the European legislation.

Enhance international mobility of students and promote a quality education in private centres of member states to CADEICE.

Exchange information on the educational systems of the countries members of CADEICE with the aim of proposing joint actions in the European Union.

Exchange experiences and good practices in academic and in the management of educational centres.

Organize congresses and forums for discussion and analysis to exchange ideas and educational experiences.

Exchange information and knowledge among member countries through an Internet platform.

Develop training programmes on-line approved by member countries of CADEICE and sponsored by universities and educational experts.